A monthly subscription service designed to help your business grow

Photoshoots every month producing high-quality images for your business & social media accounts



Are you a social media influencer in need of some photography help, a company that sells products online, or a restaurant that has new menu items launching? This is designed for you! Rise above your competition and tell YOUR unique story through vibrant and beautiful photographs. Book a "Frame It Monthly" subscription package to receive monthly photo shoots designed to create content you can post on social media to keep your audience engaged. The more you post, the more you show up on your followers' newsfeeds.

How does this benefit you?

Every business, brand and organization needs content. If you have ever felt the struggle of needing to create new content and making sure you have enough of it, then this is for you. If you're not sure what to post, how to get the right aesthetically-pleasing content to post, or you are too busy to even think about keeping up with social media posts, then let's talk!

With this service, you'll never have to worry about throwing together a rushed photoshoot with your staff or bribing your bestie to go take your picture. You'll have a unique online gallery full of images you can put on your website, use for newsletters, print for gallery walls, or post on all your social media accounts.

What can I do for you?

1. Set up a consultation to talk through exactly what you and your business need.

2. Create beautiful photographs every month of you or your business that you can use on your social media accounts, website, or printed and proudly displayed where you choose.

3. Design a unique online gallery where you can download, print and share your photos.


This is a description of a basic subscription. Add-ons will be available based on your specific needs.

Level 1


Specialized 1-Hour Shoot/month

Online Gallery

Level 2


Specialized 2-Hour Shoot/month

Online Gallery

Social Media Tips

Level 3


2 Specialized 1-Hour Shoots/month

Online Gallery

Social Media Tips

30 Minute Social Media Evaluation